Privacy Policy

This product will do its best to protect the safety and reliability of your personal information. We are committed to maintaining your trust in us and abiding by the following principles to protect your personal information: the principle of consistency of rights and responsibilities, the principle of clear purpose, the principle of choice and consent, and the principle of at least enough , ensuring the principle of safety, the principle of subject participation, the principle of openness and transparency, etc. At the same time, we promise that we will take corresponding security protection measures to protect your personal information based on mature security solutions in the industry.

1. Rules of use

Users are not allowed to use the "This Product" account or this service to conduct the following behaviors:

(1) Submit or publish false information, or steal other people’s avatars or information, impersonate or use other people’s names;

(2) Force or induce other users to pay attention to, click on linked pages or share information;

(3) Fabricating facts and concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;

(4) Using technical means to create fake accounts in batches;

(5) Use the "This Product" account or this service to engage in any illegal and criminal activities;

(6) Produce and publish methods and tools related to the above activities, or operate or disseminate such methods and tools, regardless of whether these activities are for commercial purposes;

(7) Other behaviors that violate laws and regulations, infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of "this product", or are not expressly authorized.

2. Protection of users’ personal privacy information

This platform will not disclose or disclose users' personal privacy information to any third party without the user's consent. However, the following specific circumstances are excluded:

(1) This product provides users’ personal privacy information in accordance with laws and regulations or instructions from competent authorities;

(2) Any leakage of personal information caused by users telling others their user passwords or sharing registered accounts and passwords with others, or other leaks of personal privacy information not caused by this product;

(3) Users disclose their personal privacy information to third parties on their own initiative;

(4) The user has reached an agreement with the product and its partner on the use and disclosure of the user's personal privacy information, and the product therefore discloses the user's personal privacy information to the partner;

(5) Any leakage of users’ personal privacy information due to hacker attacks, computer virus intrusions and other force majeure events.

3. Account registration

(1) This APP can change the account registration and binding methods according to user needs or product needs without notifying users in advance.

(2) "This Product" is a mobile video social product based on geographical location. When registering, users must authorize the disclosure and use of their geographical location information before successfully registering an account for "This Product"

(3) In view of the binding registration method of "this product" account, you agree to use the mobile phone number you provided when registering and/or automatically extract your mobile phone number and automatically extract your mobile phone device identification code and other information for registration.

%1. When a user registers and uses this service, the APP needs to collect personal information that can identify the user so that it can contact the user when necessary, or provide the user with a better user experience.

%1. Users' Data Daleting:If you want us to delete your data, please contact customer service or leave a message to our email , we will assist you as soon as possible.

Contact information for the app: